About Us

The Menominee Fire Department was formed in 1871, shortly after the great Chicago and Peshtigo Fires, for the sole purpose of saving lives and property from the damages of fire. Today, while still responding to fires, the Department has expanded to include a wider range of services that goes much deeper than fire suppression.

The Menominee Fire Department has Automatic Aid agreements with the neighboring City of Marinette and the townships of Menominee & Ingallston.

The department responds automatically to emergencies in those communities.

The Fire Department is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by 12 full-time firefighters and 1 full-time fire chief. Each firefighter is assigned to one of three crews with 4 firefighters on each crew. Each crew works a 24-hour shift providing 24 hours on and 48 hours off rotation.

On average the Fire Department responds to 772 calls each year.